Gus - We need to make friends with an astronaut.
Me - How come?
Gus - So he can take a jar into space and trap some outer-space in the jar.
Me - AAhhhh....good idea.
Gus - I know it would have to be an air-tight jar not like the normal jars that leak slowly.
Me - mmmmhmmm
Gus - If the Astronaut brought back a jar like that could you see space in it..or...would it float?
Me - (Laughter) wouldnt float but there would be the make up of space in the jar.
Gus - If you opened it would it start spreading....and take over the oxygen?
Me - would just be assimilated into the air in the room.
Gus - oh
Me - The Earth is kind of like the jar with the atmosphere being the lid...if we remove the lid space would take over the Earth. The jar full of space is like earth...if we remove the see.
Gus - I think a cool movie would be a story about an Astronaut who brings oxygen to a planet and starts a world.
Me - That's a good should write a story.
Gus - How does a movie get made?
Me - Starts with a story...then script...then money. Pay someone or make it yourself.
Gus - HHmmmm
This was on the way to school....if he rode the bus I would have missed it.