I was born in Mississippi just West of West Winona.
We left when I was five so all the memories I have of that place were between 1970 - 1975.....here's a few.The slide show in my brain is as follows: Receiving a red wagon...and a black Rabbit...Squashing Rabbit to death...riding in the back of a green pick-up truck...swimming in the Mississippi River...Sun Burn with my shoulders peeling...no shoes...Biscuits...Cheerios...bouncy horse with springs...Dracula teeth...mistaking a biscuit for Dracula teeth...Mom running over my bike...girl down the street squirting me with a water gun and telling me it was loaded with vinegar...emptying a yellow vinyl beanbag into the backyard and watching my mother vacuum the grass...trying to dig up my dead Rabbit...finding some toys in a ditch and wondering if taking them was stealing--took them anyway and used them as bathtub toys--think they were Weeble-Wobbles...Learned to ride a red bicycle and make a toy parachute...pulled fake grapes off a fake grape vine...played under the house...slid down a board and got a splinter in my butt...I remember hard-wood floors and homemade swings...digging for treasure...catching turtles. I drove by the old house last summer...it was exactly as I remembered...wonder if they have a yellow beanbag?
We left when I was five so all the memories I have of that place were between 1970 - 1975.....here's a few.The slide show in my brain is as follows: Receiving a red wagon...and a black Rabbit...Squashing Rabbit to death...riding in the back of a green pick-up truck...swimming in the Mississippi River...Sun Burn with my shoulders peeling...no shoes...Biscuits...Cheerios...bouncy horse with springs...Dracula teeth...mistaking a biscuit for Dracula teeth...Mom running over my bike...girl down the street squirting me with a water gun and telling me it was loaded with vinegar...emptying a yellow vinyl beanbag into the backyard and watching my mother vacuum the grass...trying to dig up my dead Rabbit...finding some toys in a ditch and wondering if taking them was stealing--took them anyway and used them as bathtub toys--think they were Weeble-Wobbles...Learned to ride a red bicycle and make a toy parachute...pulled fake grapes off a fake grape vine...played under the house...slid down a board and got a splinter in my butt...I remember hard-wood floors and homemade swings...digging for treasure...catching turtles. I drove by the old house last summer...it was exactly as I remembered...wonder if they have a yellow beanbag?
Do you remember The Hitchin' Post in Winona? It was our halfway mark from Greenville to Columbus. We would always stop for a meal. I broke a dried gourd there once in '76?.
"...I remember hard-wood floors and homemade swings...digging for treasure...catching turtles. I drove by the old house last summer...it was exactly as I remembered..." -Uberperson
Yeah! It seems like only yesterday!
Oh boy! It WAS only yesterday!
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